Guardians Templar is a group striving to build a foundation of metaphysical knowledge. Around this goal they are building an order to preserve this information and prepare for the future. Guardians Templar is known as GT for short. They were formed on January 2, 2004. The group started out with a small band of friends with similar interests and soon grew in to an order. Over time they developed a system in which to teach and display metaphysical information. In 2004 and 2005, attempts were made to expand online. However this proved to be to difficult. Small contacts were made with other individuals from various groups. Eventually, GT stayed central and kept building. In 2007, GT built its first website under the Spruz domain name. There was mild growth here, but they were able to gather many great students. Finally, in 2009 they moved to their current address and have since grown in to a formidable online community. We welcome anyone who is serious and is willing to learn metaphysics